Calendar of Events - Mixed Choir
August 31: Music Dept. Opening Social 12:00-2:30 (extra credit for attendance)
September 3-6: Musical Auditions ( a separate calendar will be given for musical
rehearsals and performances)
October 14: Fall Concert Dress Rehearsal 2:30-5:00
October 15: Fall Concert 5:00 pm (Call) 7:00 pm Concert
October 26: Halloween Social 6:30-8:30 p.m. (extra credit for attendance)
December 16: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal call time 2:30- 5:30 pm
December 17: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert – call time 5:30 pm
January 31: Winter Music Dept. Social 5:30-8:00 (extra credit for attendance)
February 5: Freshman Orientation Performance times TBA
February 7: School Vocal Solo and Ensemble Festival 3:30-6:30 p.m.
March 4: Region Solo and Ensemble Festival @HHS Times TBA
April 15-16: Vocal Ensemble/Acappella Choir Auditions 2:30-5:00
April 26: State Solo & Ensemble 8am to 4 pm
May 21: Spring Concert Dress Tech Rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 22: Spring Choir Concert call time 5:00 pm Concert 7:00 pm
May 24: Music Department Closing Social 12:30-2:30 pm (extra credit for
Calendar of Events - Acappella Choir
August 31: Music Dept. Opening Social 12:00-2:30 (extra credit for attendance)
September 3-6: Musical Auditions ( a separate calendar will be given for musical
rehearsals and performances)
October 14: Fall Concert Dress Rehearsal 2:30-5:00
October 15: Fall Concert 5:00 pm (Call) 7:00 pm Concert
October 26: Halloween Social 6:30-8:30 p.m. (extra credit for attendance)
December 9: Combined VE/Acappella Choir rehearsal 2:30-5:00 (choir room)
December 10: Tabernacle Performance (VE/Acappella Choir) 4:30—Conference Center
Lobby 7:30
December 16: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal call time 2:30- 5:30 pm
December 17: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert – call time 5:30 pm
January 31: Winter Music Dept. Social 5:30-8:00 (extra credit for attendance)
February 5: Freshman Orientation Performance times TBA
February 7: School Vocal Solo and Ensemble Festival 3:30-6:30 p.m.
February 10-17: Renaissance Feaste CASTLE SET-UP Times TBA
February 18-19: Renaissance Tech Rehearsals 2:30-5:30
February 20-22: Renaissance Feaste Dinner/Performances 5:00 Call Time
February 24: Strike Renaissance Castle Set 2:30-?
February 28-March 2: Proposed College Campus/Moab Tour
March 4: Region Solo and Ensemble Festival @HHS Times TBA
March 22: Youth Honor Choir Festival 8:00-5:00 University of Utah
April 15-16: Vocal Ensemble Auditions 2:30-5:00
April 23: Region Large Choir Festival @Park City HS times TBA
April 26: State Solo & Ensemble 8am to 4 pm
May 2: VE Letter Day (after school)
May 3: Old VE/New VE Breakfast 6:30 a.m.
May 8-10: State Choral Festival Times TBA (if we qualify, it would be a 4 hour block
of time on one of these three days)
May 21: Spring Concert Dress Tech Rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 22: Spring Choir Concert call time 5:00 pm Concert 7:00 pm
May 24: Music Department Closing Social 12:30-2:30 pm (extra credit for
May 29: Graduation (Acappella choir/VE sings at graduation) Time TBA
Calendar of Events - VE
August 6-8: VE RETREAT
August 31: Music Dept. Opening Social 12:00-2:30 (VE required to attend)
September 3-6: Musical Auditions (VE is required to be in the musical) a separate
calendar will be given for musical rehearsals and performances
September 26: Homecoming Burning of the H (performing camp dance with other
companies) time TBA
September 27: Homecoming Football Game—singing National Anthem time TBA
October 1: All State Choir Rehearsal 7:00-9:00 (12 students)
October 7: All State Choir Rehearsal 7:00-9:00
October 10-12: All State Choir (times TBA)
October 14: Fall Concert Dress Rehearsal 2:30-5:00
October 15: Fall Concert 5:00 pm (Call) 7:00 pm Concert
October 26: Halloween Social 6:30-8:30 p.m. (VE Required to attend)
THANKSGIVING. **separate calendar will be given. BELOW ARE THE
**November 27 MANDATORY VE Christmas Choreography 8:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m
December 6: City Creek 1:00/Church History Museum 3:00
December 7: Weight Family Christmas Party 6:30 p.m.
December 8: Church Performance 9:30 a.m.
December 9: Combined VE/Acappella Rehearsal 2:30-5:00 (updated: choir room)
December 10: Tabernacle Performance (VE/Acappella Choir) 4:30—Conference Center
Lobby 7:30
December 16: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal call time 2:30- 5:30 pm
December 17: Choral Dept. Christmas Concert – call time 5:30 pm
December 21: VE Christmas Breakfast 8:30-11:00 a.m.
January 31: Winter Music Dept. Social 5:30-8:00 (VE Required to attend)
February 5: Freshman Orientation Performance times TBA
February 7: School Vocal Solo and Ensemble Festival 3:30-6:30 p.m.
February 10-17: Renaissance Feaste CASTLE SET-UP Times TBA
February 18-19: Renaissance Tech Rehearsals 2:30-5:30
February 20-22: Renaissance Feaste Dinner/Performances 5:00 Call Time
February 24: Strike Renaissance Castle Set 2:30-?
February 28-March 2: Proposed College Campus/Moab Tour
March 4: Region Solo and Ensemble Festival @HHS Times TBA (updated)
March 17: Region Madrigal Festival 4:00-9:00 @Murray HS
March 22: Youth Honor Choir Festival 8:00-5:00 University of Utah
April 15-16: Vocal Ensemble Auditions 2:30-5:00
April 23: Region Large Choir Festival @Park City HS times TBA
April 26: State Solo & Ensemble 8am to 4 pm
May 2: VE Letter Day (after school)
May 3: Old VE/New VE Breakfast 6:30 a.m.
May 8-10: State Choral Festival Times TBA (if we qualify, it would be a 4 hour
block of time on one of these three days)
May 19: Pop’s rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 20: Pop’s rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 21: Spring Concert Dress Tech Rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 22: Spring Choir Concert call time 5:00 pm Concert 7:00 pm
May 23: Pop’s Concert TECH rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 24: Pop’s Concert rehearsal 9-12
May 24: Music Department Closing Social 12:30-2:30 pm (VE Required to attend)
May 27: Pop’s Concert Final Dress Rehearsal 2:30-5:30
May 28: Pop’s Concert 5:30 Call Time
May 29: Graduation (choir sings at graduation) Time TBA
May 30 or 31: VE Closing Social Time TBA